"Pearson English" Program to be Introduced in Schools

2023-08-29 16:00:16

Ulaanbaatar, August 29, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The “Pearson English” comprehensive training program will be introduced in all state-owned secondary schools from this school year. In this respect, the Ministry of Education and Science has organized training to prepare national trainers and extend methodological support for teachers.

The training covered 120 teachers of English from secondary schools in Ulaanbaatar, aimags and soums, and after its completion, they received the "National Trainer" certificate. These trainers will deliver training to other teachers of English at their schools within this week. Thus, teachers will be trained to teach the program in V-VI grades by September 1.

The "Pearson English” program has been tested in 38 schools over the past six months. Around 700 schools, approximately 2000 teachers, and 150 thousand pupils will be involved in this program. This comprehensive English learning program incorporates a combination of digital platform and classroom learning. The secondary school teachers of English have studied guidelines to deliver lessons using “Pearson English Connect” digital platform, monitor pupils’ learning progress through the creation of on-line classes, and assign appropriate tasks in addition to practical lessons aimed at developing and enhancing the trainers’ teaching methodology.         

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