Chairman of State Duma Volodin Pays Courtesy Call on President of Mongolia Khurelsukh

2023-09-25 16:32:28

Ulaanbaatar, August 25, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.V. Volodin, who is on an official visit to Mongolia, paid a courtesy call on the President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa today.

The President U. Khurelsukh emphasized that developing relations and cooperation with Russia is the priority of Mongolia's foreign policy, and underlined that the traditional good neighborly relations are actively developing in all fields within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. He also asked to convey his greetings to the President V.V. Putin.

The Chairman of the State Duma V.V. Volodin expressed his interest in further stimulating bilateral relations and cooperation. He also noted that the beginning of the work of the Joint Commission of the State Great Khural of Mongolia and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has brought the cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries to a new level.

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