NUM Launches Audiobook Library for Students with Disabilities
Ulaanbaatar, October 20, 2023 /MONTSAME/. To ensure equal access to services, support the learning activities of students with disabilities, and create a favorable learning environment, the National University of Mongolia (NUM) has launched a library of audiobooks for students with disabilities.
This library is reserved exclusively for students with disabilities and provides an environment for independent learning.
The National University of Mongolia has 26,000 students this academic year, including 109 students with disabilities, which is 0.5% of the total student body. Starting today, students with disabilities can use computers with installed programs to listen to any Mongolian audiobook in the library.
E. Erdenechimeg, the Head of the Student Development Center at the NUM, noted that the speaking and listening library is designed to be as accessible as possible to students with disabilities in terms of technological solutions, technical equipment, books, and textbooks. Commonly used books are installed as audiobooks, and students can freely use the equipment to solve problems with books and textbooks.
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