Digital Library of Mongolia "ESAN" Named after the President of Mongolia

2024-02-06 15:34:49

Ulaanbaatar, February 5, 2024 /MONTSAME/. President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa has issued the decree to increase the competitiveness of Mongolia, provide equal educational opportunities to children and youth, and support their studies at world universities. The “President’s Scholar – 2100" scholarship program initiated by President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa has been successfully implemented since 2021, awarding the best students from each of the 330 soums and capital city's 171 khoroos to study at the world’s best universities.  

In 2023, 260 Mongolian students embarked on international studies at 16 universities in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Canada, Poland, Australia, Russia, Hungary, India, Laos, and Vietnam.  


On February 5, 2024, at the State Palace of Mongolia, President Khurelsukh handed over Scholarship Certificates and wished success to over 250 Recipients of the "President's Scholar - 2100" program, who are now studying in preparatory programs at the National University of Mongolia and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.  


Today, the ESAN, the National Digital Library of Mongolia, has been officially named after the President of Mongolia. ESAN represents a significant intellectual and economic technological advancement, with a capacity to digitize 130 million pages of materials through the utilization of state-of-the-art technologies. Notably, its AI-based copy criteria system protects intellectual property and improves the quality of research and education. The ESAN aims at preserving and disseminating the rich history and cultural heritage of Mongolia, ensuring equal access to education for all citizens, particularly children, and contributing to Mongolia's long-term development policy. All textbooks for grades 1-12 are available in the e-library and can be accessed by children free of charge.