Dzud Causes Rural Students to Miss Classes
SocietyUlaanbaatar, February 21, 2024 /MONTSAME/. An emergency group led by the Minister of Education and Science of Mongolia is working in Bulgan aimag. The group visited the secondary school in Bayannuur soum of Bulgan aimag, one of the initial eight schools to undergo the management project conducted by Shine Mongol Academy. Local and school authorities report positive changes in school culture, conduct, study environment, and education quality following the implementation of this project. Due to the dzud, a total of 23 students are unable to return to school after the Lunar New Year celebration. The emergency group started clearing snow blockages from roads and passes on February 19, 2024, to allow the students to go to school within 2-7 days.
Currently, there are 71 students living in a dormitory with a capacity of 50. The authorities of the school put forward a request to have a new dormitory for 100 students, explaining that another 21 students had applied for a dormitory but could not be accommodated. The school has purchased 25 tablets, using 10 tablets for the EDUTEN platform the rest 15 for the PEARSON platform. The students in the dormitory said that studying with the EDUTEN platform was more enjoyable.
The kindergarten in Bayannuur soum has 130 registered children. Despite low attendance due to cold and snowy weather, classes are continuing, said the Director of the kindergarten. This year, the "Life Tree" program has been launched in the kindergarten. The Director noted that the classes need smart displays.