Mongolia Ranks 41st Among 128 Countries in IQ Rankings
Ulaanbaatar, March 5, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The National Forum "Educational Transformation in Mongolia 2024" is taking place on March 4-5, 2024. When comparing Mongolia's development indicators with those of other countries as of 2023:
- 99th out of 189
countries in the Human Development Index
- 60th out of 64
countries in the Competitiveness Index
- 60th out of 64
countries in the Talent Index
- 59th out of 65
countries in the Social Problem Solving
In terms of labor productivity per hour,
Mongolia ranks 105th out of 181 countries, which is ten times less than
countries such as Ireland and Luxembourg.
Although the duration of schooling in Mongolia is 13.2 years, the acquired skills are equivalent to only 9.2 years of education, leaving a gap of four years.
• The
productivity of an adult Mongolian is 61 percent, which is 13 percent higher
than that of citizens in low- and middle-income countries.
• The ability of
15-year-old children to be responsible and take initiative in their own lives
and studies is above the international average.
• Mongolia ranks
41st out of 128 countries in terms of IQ ability.
In terms of resilience and coping ability,
Mongolia is more effective than economically developed countries such as
France, New Zealand, and Belgium.