IFC Submits Feasibility Study of Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park

2024-04-08 18:04:58

Ulaanbaatar, 2024 April 8 /MONTSAME/. The International Finance Corporation completed and submitted the feasibility study of the “Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park” to the authorities of Ulaanbaatar city on April 5, 2024.

As the Feasibility Study completed, the World Bank’s soft loan agreement on the implementation of the project “Ulaanbaatar City Competitiveness, Rehabilitation Support Project” will be discussed by the Government of Mongolia and submitted to the State Great Khural of Mongolia.  Once the loan agreement gets approved, related procurements for 2024 will be organized, and the infrastructure development is planned to begin in 2025.


As a result of the establishment of “Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park” the following positive outcomes are expected:

 – 5600 constant new jobs will be created. Furthermore, the park will be developed as a special economic zone in the Argalant-Emeelt satellite town.

- It will give impetus to the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises and the establishment of interconnections between the local businesses and factories in the industrial park.

- The quality of processed leather will be improved, the raw material waste will be reduced, and the leather export will be increased.

- The polluted soil of the Tuul River basin will be rehabilitated after the leather, and wool processing factories that now operate in the territory of Khan-Uul district are moved to the “Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park”. The area where the factories are located will be developed into a comfortable place with green facilities, where complex social services can be provided, informed the Media Relations Department of the Governor’s Office of the capital city

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