Amgalan Thermal Power Plant Capacity Increased by 116 MW
SocietyUlaanbaatar, April 22, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Under the “New Revival Policy” of the Government of Mongolia, the expansion work of the Amgalan Thermal Power Plant was completed four months before the scheduled deadline.
Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai participated in the Completion Ceremony, expressing commitment to intensifying the reform to support the free competition for electricity supply.
The Premier said, “Ulaanbaatar's traffic congestion, air pollution, and issues of messy planning are all symptoms of its dense infrastructure. It's time to acknowledge that the energy sector has lost momentum, sidelining today's problems and masking the actual energy cost, which is significantly lower than the production cost. Mongolia's thermal power plants are 36-61 years old, while the electricity grid is 33-63 years old. Over 40 percent of them have expired. With our successes in revitalizing border ports, developing tourism, and popularizing the E-Mongolia app, it's time to reform the energy sector. This reform will encourage competition among businesses in the sector. We will pay special attention to the energy sector as the Government of Mongolia is developing a new plan for housing the Ger districts of Ulaanbaatar City and around Bogd Khan Mountain."
In the expansion of the Amgalan thermal power plant, the installed capacity was increased from 348 MW to 464 MW, allowing for an increase in heat production of 1.3 million Gcal. This expansion will provide centralized heating to new residential complexes, including 12,000 households, 14 schools, and kindergartens, which will be built as part of the redevelopment of the housing ger districts in the eastern part of the Capital - the Bayanzurkh district, and the Uliastai area. In addition, the expansion also led to the suspension of more than 40 low-pressure heating furnaces and created 32 new jobs.
In the expansion, several upgrades were implemented: a new, 116-megawatt furnace with modern combustion technology, a train defroster for the coal handling system, a crusher, and a two-stage water purification equipment for the chemical water preparation system, which will improve the quality of the technical water supply. Additionally, an ash storage facility with a capacity of 28,000 cubic meters was built at the thermal power plant. The total funding for these upgrades was MNT 65.6 billion.