Political Consultative Meeting Held Between the Foreign Ministries of Mongolia and Sweden

2024-09-18 12:42:08

Ulaanbaatar, September 18, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Second Political Consultative Meeting between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden was held on September 17, 2024.

At the meeting, the two sides exchanged detailed views on expanding Mongolia-Sweden relations and cooperation in mutually interested areas, particularly enriching bilateral relations with economic content and establishing a legal framework to promote people-to-people ties. Specifically, they discussed collaborating in the social protection sector, establishing an intergovernmental agreement to exempt diplomatic and official passport holders from visa requirements, and intensifying cooperation in areas such as environment, culture, education, and tourism.

The Mongolian side presented the country's long-and medium-term development policies, as well as key objectives outlined in the Government's Action Program for 2024-2028, and discussed possibilities for cooperation in their implementation. Additionally, the two sides exchanged views on international issues and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and other international organizations. The consultative meeting was chaired by Battungalag Gankhuurai, Director of the European and African Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, and Daniel Wolven, Director of the Asia, Pacific, and Latin America Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden.

This political consultative meeting between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries was remarkable as it was held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Sweden.

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