Campaign to Promote the National Animal of Mongolia Mazaalai Bear Held at the National Garden Park

2025-02-18 13:38:35

Ulaanbaatar, February 18, 2025 /MONTSAME/. The Government of Mongolia issued Resolution No. 437 on December 13, 2023, officially designating the Mazaalai Bear (Gobi Bear) as the National Animal of Mongolia. As part of the Mongols Nomadic Winter Festival 2025, a campaign to raise awareness about the Mazaalai Bear is currently taking place at the National Garden Park.

The Campaign held an educational “AHA” (Q&A) quiz competition for children, introducing them to this endangered species. The Mazaalai Bear is distinct from other subspecies of brown bears due to its adaptation to the extreme climate of the Gobi Desert. According to recent research, there are only about 50 Mazaalai Bears left in Mongolia. Their primary habitat is the Great Gobi "A" Strictly Protected Area.

Studies on the Mazaalai Bear habitat modeling indicate that since the late 20th century, the Bear’s habitat range has decreased by over 60 percent. In 1899, Russian botanist Veniamin Fedorovich Ladygin documented Mazaalai Bear tracks in the Shar Khuls Oasis, and historical records mention possible bear sightings in Segs Tsagaan Bogd Mountain and Khukh Tumurtiin Mountain, marking the first documented evidence of the species. The Mazaalai Bear resembles the forest-dwelling brown bear but is smaller in size. It has an average weight of 90-100 kg, 150 cm long, and 80-92 cm tall. In summer, its coat is uniformly brown, while in spring, it turns a lighter and yellowish shade. It has short fur, white claws, and more exposed skin on its paws. Its neck and legs are darker than its body, and it has white or pale spots on its chest and the base of its neck.

During the Campaign, O. Baatarjav, Head of the “Khavtgai Mazaalai – Protecting the Great Gobi” NGO, emphasized the importance of educating the public about Mazaalai Bears. "Our organization consists of representatives from five soums surrounding the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area. We are committed to providing accurate information about the Mazaalai Bear, a species that is vital to our ecosystem. Despite its designation as the National Animal of Mongolia, many people are still unaware of its existence in Mongolia. That’s why promotion and awareness efforts are crucial. The Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism, and Youth of Mongolia, along with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Mongolia, and other organizations involved in Mazaalai Bear conservation, should take further initiatives to disseminate information. Public participation is essential in these efforts. Additionally, we have been protesting for three months against the opening of a border checkpoint that poses a great risk to the bear’s native habitat, leading to destruction, habitat loss, and grazing land reduction."

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