Baganuur Battery Storage Power Station Supplies 17692.9 Mwh Energy to the Central Grid

2025-03-09 12:14:16

Ulaanbaatar, March 9, 2025 /MONTSAME/. As of today, the Baganuur Battery Storage Power Station has supplied 17,692.9 MWh of electricity to the central grid, providing power to the energy system of the central region of Mongolia, particularly Ulaanbaatar City.

This power plant is environmentally friendly, producing green energy and storing electricity during nighttime hours for redistribution during peak demand. Mongolian engineers, technical staff, and employees are successfully operating the plant.

Ulaanbaatar City accounts for more than 60 percent of the country’s total energy consumption, bearing an average load of 1,245 MW in the power system. During the winter of 2023-2024, Ulaanbaatar’s energy system faced a shortage of 200 MW. However, this deficit was compensated for this winter, thanks to the integration of the 150 MW Buuruljuut Power Plant and the 50 MW Baganuur Battery Storage Power Station into the central grid since December 2024.

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