Photo Exhibition on Yoga opens

2017-06-05 17:43:20
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Embassy of India in association with the Children’s Palace has mounted a Photo Exhibition on Yoga today, in the run up to the 3rd International Day of Yoga which will be celebrated at Sukhbaatar Square on June 18, Sunday.
The Photo Exhibition on Yoga was inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Suresh Babu, Ambassador of India at the Children’s Palace. During his speech, the Ambassador noted that it was important to start practicing and learning yoga from younger age since yoga helps children grown healthy physically and mentally.
Also from the Embassy, Mr. Ravi Shanker Goel, Second Secretary (Political, Commercial Representative and HOC) attended the opening ceremony.

The Photo Exhibition on Yoga provides glimpses of some of the yoga postures. People of all ages can benefit from practice of yoga to remain healthy and this leads to promoting harmony in the society.

The Photo Exhibition on Yoga will remain open to public until June 8.