Goo brand revolutionizing the world of cosmetics
Mongolian Brands
Is beauty the reflection of God?
The main question of aesthetics starts with the concept of beauty. Famous philosophers, scientists and inventors tried to answer this in every generation. We understand beauty from our everyday lives as something we love and want. Elegant clothes, pretty faces and textile brands have described beauty for centuries. In the 21st century, the idea behind a healthy body and healthy mind changed the definition of beauty altogether. The main question of aesthetics starts with the concept of beauty. Famous philosophers, scientists and inventors tried to answer this in every generation. We understand beauty from our everyday lives as something we love and want. Elegant clothes, pretty faces and textile brands have described beauty for centuries. In the 21st century, the idea behind a healthy body and healthy mind changed the definition of beauty altogether.
Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc traveled around the world for two years in order to find true beauty. Mihaela had no intention of making it a certain theory. But she hoped her photographs would help humanity to describe what beauty really means. Surely, her hard work wasn’t all for naught. When people exclaimed excitedly at the photographs of Mongolian nomadic people and rosycheeked vigorous women in the snowy lands of Tibet, the true beauty of women was proven to Mihaela Noroc.
Then how do the women of Asian highlands keep such alluring beauty? It can be explained from their appearance that was maintained by using natural products, a perspective that was seen through stress-less healthy eyes and trusting nature that comes from their child-like innocence. The comparison of a natural flower and fodder first brought up this view. Realizing this nature, a young Mongolian girl in her early twenties created natural cosmetics for modern urbanized society. ‘Burkhanlig goo saikhan’ company’s ‘Goo’ cosmetics brand is already known to many in Japan and the U.S.
‘GOO’ brand produces 35 types of organic cosmetic products on the market. The first Mongolian cosmetic franchise is not only blooming in Mongolia, but also opened up branches in Japan and China as well. The internationally accepted Mongolian medical cosmetic brand distinguishes itself from other modern day brands as it uses organic materials such as fat from a sheep tail, sea buckthorn, rock salt, thistles and thyme as a base. Also, the company does not mix chemicals to increase the product’s age and regularly introduces new products to consumers. With a name card of organic products certificate of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the company uses Japanese, Chinese and Korean equipment and imports related materials from America.
‘Burkhanlig goo saikhan’ company has definitely created game-changing products in Mongolian cosmetic world. Such as: - Exfoliation for skin disintegration - Anti-cellulite scrub - 10 types of cellulite burning and replenishing bath bombs - Cleanser with sea buckthorn - Moisturizer with sea buckthorn - Body cream with sheep tail fat - 4 types of ‘Khoniko’ soap with sheep tail fat - Mud mask - Hair tonic - Face toner.
The company is producing over 20 different kinds of handmade organic products using traditional materials just for Mongolians. For dry and sensitive skin, the company produces 20 kinds of new products for export such as resin drops, resin body lotions, lip nutrition, face scrub with sea buckthorn and coffee, masks with sea buckthorn, ointments with lemon, collagen and honey, bath bomb for feet and bath salts with milk and rose.
One of their main ingredients, ‘rock salt’ in brief: Solidified salts from the ancient lakes are called rock salts (Jamts salt). Scientists have proven that rock salts were formed on earth in the Devonian period about 400 million years ago. Rock salt contains minerals that are essential for the human body such as calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iron and iodine. Therefore, using rock salt is good for improving blood circulation and replenishing strength. The company also uses fats of sheep tails because it is well suited to the human body and has fast absorption as it contains high unsaturated fat acids, nutrients, calcium and proteins. Vitamins D, C, A and K moisturize and soften the skin, regenerate cells after absorbed through the skin, improve flexibility of the skin by providing nutrient acids, strengthen the artery walls especially the capillary, prevent cholesterol from accumulating and blood vessels from being hardened. As for milk, it contains essential substances such as protein, mineral, vitamin, calcium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorous.
In the late 18th century, Europeans were dazzled by Mongolian mutton during a trade fair that took place in Marseilles, France. None equaled Mongolian mutton at the time and the meals that were made from Mongolian mutton were considered the most delicious in every restaurant. Also, for- mer leader of Russia Leonid Brezhnev regularly used Mongolian mutton in his meals. Russian honored Mongolian Doctor Professor G.Luvsan, who was an authorized doctor of Brezhnev, once mentioned that Mongolian mutton helped him live longer and kept him healthy both mentally and physically. Sheep eat 80 percent more vegetation than other animals and almost 30 percent of them are medicinal herbs. For having quality taste, mutton is used as the main ingredient in many restaurants and resorts. Therefore, mutton soup is prepared for pregnant women and the infants are bathed in sheep bones and fed sheep tail by Mongolian traditions that have been kept from ancient times. Children that were raised eating sheep tail tend to grow up strong and resistant to sickness. Vitamin D, C, A and K that contained in sheep tails prevent exhaustion, all kinds of poisonings, allergies and anemia while improving eye sight. But because of the decreasing use of fats, senility and memory loss are becoming more common in the U.S and Europe. Mongolia has 20 times more livestock in total, and around 20 million of them are consist of sheep. This is why, various types of product can be made out of beneficial elements of sheep tail and manufactured for domestic use or export. M.Gongorsuren, founder of Goo brand first saw this opportunity ahead of everyone else.
‘Khoniko’ soap, one of their main products, is made from sheep tail. The product attracted the Mongolian market as soon as it was released and it now has five different types of soap with sea buckthorn, mint, green tea and lemon. This sheep-shaped soap only used to be manufactured in 110 gram units, but a complex product for children’s skin packed with single-use soaps having shapes of cartoon heroes, received lots of compliments from customers.
When visiting the company’s factory, the place was filled with the enchanting scent of flowers, fruits and natural oils. No pieces of machinery or chemical tubes were in sight. What could be seen was a team of hardworking people who were hand processing materials such as sheep tail, thistles, thyme plants and sea buckthorn. The team is proud of their product as they admittedly say ‘When people buy our product once, they always come back for more’. Workers at Goo brand dry every single pedals of roses by themselves and hand process rock salt, sea buckthorn and sheep tail, producing high quality products for Mongolians. The finished products were lined up on a shelf. Such gorgeous soaps and bubble-like bath bombs with spectacular shapes and color would charm anyone. Cosmetic products with bright-colors and elegant packages were also on display as they were waiting to be delivered to the stores.
Goo brand produces body lotions and soaps that treat skin dryness, disintegration and eczema using processed sheep tail and coconuts. They produce cleansers and liquid soaps using sea buckthorn oils they made themselves.
Every product of Goo brand has detailed labels. For example, on the label of a product called ‘Busgui’ (Lady), it reads ‘Sea buckthorn is a biological product that helps prevent vaginitis, colpitis, vaginal inflammation and muscosal injury. This liquid soap is a medical cosmetic product that is handmade from natural sea buckthorn oil that contains no chemical substances’. They explained the usage as “May use two to three times a week to prevent and treat women’s vulnerable diseases”. The skin care products also have various assortments. One of the unique products is a ‘resin’ skin care series. The product is for women with dry, mixed and sensitive skin. M.Gongorsuren, founder of Goo brand recommended the product saying “If your skin is sensitive, dry and wrinkled or shows signs of allergies, try this product once”. When opening the cap, the scent of trees and resin provide the nostalgic feeling of how summer would smell. Also they have skin products such as body lotions with ‘lavender’ extract and a ‘Borgoljin’ nourishing mask. She then described the Borgoljin mask as “- like feeding your skin with sweets. It is made from natural honey of the Khalkh River and has moisturizing and replenishing effects on the skin and dim dark spots. The honey has have vitamin C which has a whitening effect. It is considered the most effective substance for dryness and skin spots. Chocolates are called ‘Borgol’ in Mongolia, so we named the product Borgoljin’ explained M.Gongorsuren. I was briefly introduced to over thirty products such as hair sprinkle with thyme, face scrub with honey, cleanser with sea buckthorn, face spray with sea buckthorn, liquid soap with sea buckthorn, hair tonic and face tonic.
One of their most appreciated products is their bath bomb. These bombs soften and exfoliate the skin while relieving stress and burn cellulites. The blue ones have mint while the greens have tree extract, pinks have rose extract, yellows have lemon, oranges have sea buckthorn and greys have mud which has an anti-allergy effect. The bombs give out charming scents when mixed with water. These were made by mixing rock salt with thousands of mineral muds such as chlorine, carbonate, hydrogen, sodium and hydrogen sulfide that were formed in the exotic natural environments of Mongolia. By using these bath bombs, home-made medical baths can be created.
Also, one aspect can’t go unmentioned. Goo brand established Mongolia’s first organic SPA center. They only use their own products in over 10 medical services such as ‘Queen’, children’s and maternal set services.
What did the famous Russian author Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky mean when he once said ‘Beauty will save the world’? The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed the beauty of the world as God’s reflection. With that thought, maybe beauty leads people to the holy light. ‘Burkhanlig goo saikhan’ (Godly beauty) company’s Goo brand will treat your body as well as your mind. German philosopher Friedrich Schelling once said ‘Beauty is a definition of infinite defined by a finite’. The infinite describes an infinite being, God. In other words, everything from a tiny little lily to a mighty giant galaxy contains a cell of god that we call beauty. Therefore, the term ‘ungodly beauty’ should not exist. Goo brand reminds us that beauty must stay godly.
A cup of water may drain out when shared, but stirring from the endless stream of beauty is limited only to your desire. We wanted to let you know that ‘Goo’ brand has been added to the world of cosmetics. Surely, beauty will save the world.

The main question of aesthetics starts with the concept of beauty. Famous philosophers, scientists and inventors tried to answer this in every generation. We understand beauty from our everyday lives as something we love and want. Elegant clothes, pretty faces and textile brands have described beauty for centuries. In the 21st century, the idea behind a healthy body and healthy mind changed the definition of beauty altogether. The main question of aesthetics starts with the concept of beauty. Famous philosophers, scientists and inventors tried to answer this in every generation. We understand beauty from our everyday lives as something we love and want. Elegant clothes, pretty faces and textile brands have described beauty for centuries. In the 21st century, the idea behind a healthy body and healthy mind changed the definition of beauty altogether.
Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc traveled around the world for two years in order to find true beauty. Mihaela had no intention of making it a certain theory. But she hoped her photographs would help humanity to describe what beauty really means. Surely, her hard work wasn’t all for naught. When people exclaimed excitedly at the photographs of Mongolian nomadic people and rosycheeked vigorous women in the snowy lands of Tibet, the true beauty of women was proven to Mihaela Noroc.
Then how do the women of Asian highlands keep such alluring beauty? It can be explained from their appearance that was maintained by using natural products, a perspective that was seen through stress-less healthy eyes and trusting nature that comes from their child-like innocence. The comparison of a natural flower and fodder first brought up this view. Realizing this nature, a young Mongolian girl in her early twenties created natural cosmetics for modern urbanized society. ‘Burkhanlig goo saikhan’ company’s ‘Goo’ cosmetics brand is already known to many in Japan and the U.S.
‘GOO’ brand produces 35 types of organic cosmetic products on the market. The first Mongolian cosmetic franchise is not only blooming in Mongolia, but also opened up branches in Japan and China as well. The internationally accepted Mongolian medical cosmetic brand distinguishes itself from other modern day brands as it uses organic materials such as fat from a sheep tail, sea buckthorn, rock salt, thistles and thyme as a base. Also, the company does not mix chemicals to increase the product’s age and regularly introduces new products to consumers. With a name card of organic products certificate of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the company uses Japanese, Chinese and Korean equipment and imports related materials from America.
The company is producing over 20 different kinds of handmade organic products using traditional materials just for Mongolians. For dry and sensitive skin, the company produces 20 kinds of new products for export such as resin drops, resin body lotions, lip nutrition, face scrub with sea buckthorn and coffee, masks with sea buckthorn, ointments with lemon, collagen and honey, bath bomb for feet and bath salts with milk and rose.
One of their main ingredients, ‘rock salt’ in brief: Solidified salts from the ancient lakes are called rock salts (Jamts salt). Scientists have proven that rock salts were formed on earth in the Devonian period about 400 million years ago. Rock salt contains minerals that are essential for the human body such as calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, iron and iodine. Therefore, using rock salt is good for improving blood circulation and replenishing strength. The company also uses fats of sheep tails because it is well suited to the human body and has fast absorption as it contains high unsaturated fat acids, nutrients, calcium and proteins. Vitamins D, C, A and K moisturize and soften the skin, regenerate cells after absorbed through the skin, improve flexibility of the skin by providing nutrient acids, strengthen the artery walls especially the capillary, prevent cholesterol from accumulating and blood vessels from being hardened. As for milk, it contains essential substances such as protein, mineral, vitamin, calcium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorous.
In the late 18th century, Europeans were dazzled by Mongolian mutton during a trade fair that took place in Marseilles, France. None equaled Mongolian mutton at the time and the meals that were made from Mongolian mutton were considered the most delicious in every restaurant. Also, for- mer leader of Russia Leonid Brezhnev regularly used Mongolian mutton in his meals. Russian honored Mongolian Doctor Professor G.Luvsan, who was an authorized doctor of Brezhnev, once mentioned that Mongolian mutton helped him live longer and kept him healthy both mentally and physically. Sheep eat 80 percent more vegetation than other animals and almost 30 percent of them are medicinal herbs. For having quality taste, mutton is used as the main ingredient in many restaurants and resorts. Therefore, mutton soup is prepared for pregnant women and the infants are bathed in sheep bones and fed sheep tail by Mongolian traditions that have been kept from ancient times. Children that were raised eating sheep tail tend to grow up strong and resistant to sickness. Vitamin D, C, A and K that contained in sheep tails prevent exhaustion, all kinds of poisonings, allergies and anemia while improving eye sight. But because of the decreasing use of fats, senility and memory loss are becoming more common in the U.S and Europe. Mongolia has 20 times more livestock in total, and around 20 million of them are consist of sheep. This is why, various types of product can be made out of beneficial elements of sheep tail and manufactured for domestic use or export. M.Gongorsuren, founder of Goo brand first saw this opportunity ahead of everyone else.
‘Khoniko’ soap, one of their main products, is made from sheep tail. The product attracted the Mongolian market as soon as it was released and it now has five different types of soap with sea buckthorn, mint, green tea and lemon. This sheep-shaped soap only used to be manufactured in 110 gram units, but a complex product for children’s skin packed with single-use soaps having shapes of cartoon heroes, received lots of compliments from customers.
When visiting the company’s factory, the place was filled with the enchanting scent of flowers, fruits and natural oils. No pieces of machinery or chemical tubes were in sight. What could be seen was a team of hardworking people who were hand processing materials such as sheep tail, thistles, thyme plants and sea buckthorn. The team is proud of their product as they admittedly say ‘When people buy our product once, they always come back for more’. Workers at Goo brand dry every single pedals of roses by themselves and hand process rock salt, sea buckthorn and sheep tail, producing high quality products for Mongolians. The finished products were lined up on a shelf. Such gorgeous soaps and bubble-like bath bombs with spectacular shapes and color would charm anyone. Cosmetic products with bright-colors and elegant packages were also on display as they were waiting to be delivered to the stores.
Goo brand produces body lotions and soaps that treat skin dryness, disintegration and eczema using processed sheep tail and coconuts. They produce cleansers and liquid soaps using sea buckthorn oils they made themselves.
One of their most appreciated products is their bath bomb. These bombs soften and exfoliate the skin while relieving stress and burn cellulites. The blue ones have mint while the greens have tree extract, pinks have rose extract, yellows have lemon, oranges have sea buckthorn and greys have mud which has an anti-allergy effect. The bombs give out charming scents when mixed with water. These were made by mixing rock salt with thousands of mineral muds such as chlorine, carbonate, hydrogen, sodium and hydrogen sulfide that were formed in the exotic natural environments of Mongolia. By using these bath bombs, home-made medical baths can be created.
Also, one aspect can’t go unmentioned. Goo brand established Mongolia’s first organic SPA center. They only use their own products in over 10 medical services such as ‘Queen’, children’s and maternal set services.
What did the famous Russian author Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky mean when he once said ‘Beauty will save the world’? The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed the beauty of the world as God’s reflection. With that thought, maybe beauty leads people to the holy light. ‘Burkhanlig goo saikhan’ (Godly beauty) company’s Goo brand will treat your body as well as your mind. German philosopher Friedrich Schelling once said ‘Beauty is a definition of infinite defined by a finite’. The infinite describes an infinite being, God. In other words, everything from a tiny little lily to a mighty giant galaxy contains a cell of god that we call beauty. Therefore, the term ‘ungodly beauty’ should not exist. Goo brand reminds us that beauty must stay godly.
A cup of water may drain out when shared, but stirring from the endless stream of beauty is limited only to your desire. We wanted to let you know that ‘Goo’ brand has been added to the world of cosmetics. Surely, beauty will save the world.