India to supply vaccines to Mongolia

2021-01-19 17:01:05

In his official letter to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Mongolian Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh expressed its interest on the COVID-19 vaccine being produced by India.

Today, January 19, Ambassador of the Republic of India to Mongolia M.P. Singh paid a courtesy call on the Prime Minister and presented a response letter from Mr. Narendra Modi. In the letter, the Indian Prime Minister stated that India has decided to supply the COVID-19 vaccine to Mongolia. Moreover, Mr. Narendra Modi expressed his satisfaction with successful progress of the Oil Refinery Project being funded with the Line of Credit from India.

Within the vaccine supply framework, the parties have started an online-training for 150 Mongolian doctors from today.  

The preparations for transporting, storing and vaccinating  are complete and the quantity and supply schedule will be agreed through the diplomatic channel.

Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh expressed his sincere gratitude to the Government of India, a strategic partner and third neighbor, for its decision to support Mongolia.
