Mongolian Red Cross Society Provides MNT 7.6 billion in Aid to Herders

2024-05-30 15:40:09

Ulaanbaatar, May 30, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Red Cross Society of Mongolia provided MNT 7.6 billion in humanitarian aid to 11350 herder households of 21 aimags in Mongolia, that were affected by the dzud natural disaster last winter.

General Secretary of the Red Cross Society of Mongolia N. Bolormaa and Dzud Operations Coordinator of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies(IFRC) Manish Tewani made statements regarding the humanitarian aid.

N. Bolormaa informed that the humanitarian aid aimed at households with 400 or fewer livestock, multiple children, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, elderly persons, persons with developmental challenges was delivered by its branches in rural areas and volunteers.

The humanitarian aid was made possible with the contributions of the IFRC, the United States Agency for International Development, the UN Population Fund, the Government of Australia, the Australian Red Cross, the Chinese Red Cross, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Mongolia, Government of the Republic of Korea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, “Badrakh Energy” LLC, European Union, and Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The Red Cross Society of Mongolia has further plans to support herders' livelihoods, alleviate the impacts of dzud, and assist them return to normal life.