Study on climate change in Ulaanbaatar conducted
UlaanbaatarDeputy Mayor for Construction, Housing, Industry, and Technology Park B.Sukhbaatar, held a meeting with Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist in the Urban and Disaster Risk Management Unit at World Bank Poonam Pillai. During the meeting, the sides exchanged their views on the work process of the “Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park”, the needs of the “Urban Competitiveness and Rehabilitation Project” planned to be implemented in this context, and future measures, and cooperation of the capital city.
The purpose of the project is the relocation of leather
and cashmere processing plants in the 20th khoroo of Khan-Uul district to
improve the living conditions of the city's residents and develop a waste-free
and green economy, manufacturing raw materials of animal origin and developing industry.
The capital city authorities intend to implement this project in a public-private partnership. The project evaluation document is expected to be finalized by October of this year. Moreover, plans on how the public and private sectors will work together, the relocation strategy, which factories will be built to create a waste-free economy, and how to support small and medium enterprises will be developed.
At the end of the meeting, the World Bank's visiting team requested to present their research on how to cope with climate change in Ulaanbaatar and measures to be taken to the relevant organizations of Ulaanbaatar. Deputy Mayor B.Sukhbaatar accepted the request and decided to cooperate in organizing an event to introduce the survey results to the local administrative organizations of the capital city.