Minister of Culture receives FAO Resident Representative

2022-08-19 15:36:11

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. Minister of Culture Ch.Nomin received today Resident Representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Mr. Vinod Ahuja.

FAO was established on October 16, 1945, and this day is celebrated annually as ‘World Food Day’. In this context, ahead of ‘World Food Day’, Mr. Vinod Ahuja expressed his request to hold a fair on Mongolian food culture and traditions in collaboration with the National Museum of Mongolia under the Ministry of Culture.

He also talked with the Minister of Culture about the goal of increasing women's leadership and attention to the issue of ensuring food security and eating nutritious food.

Minister of Culture Ch.Nomin expressed his gratitude to Mr. Vinod Ahuja for his active cooperation in the direction of creating the conditions to provide everyone with safe and quality food, and expressed his support for the exhibition to be organized jointly with the National Museum of Mongolia.