New local TV station opens
SocietyUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ A new local television station named ‘Ard’ has launched in Dundgobi aimag. “- Even though people have access to nationwide and international news, they have no media channel to receive local news of the province. Therefore, filling this gap, we established this TV station” said founder of the TV station G.Munkhbaatar.
A year and half ago, a new TV station “Dundgobi” established with investment of MNT120 million from the Local development fund. However, the TV station allegedly breached law on Press freedom as running its operation by the Governor’s Office of the province and having investment from the Local development fund. Newly formed Citizens' representative meeting’s presidium released a resolution to dissolve “Dundgobi” TV. “Altanshagait” company has acquired TV equipment of the closed down TV in management agreement and it established “Ard” TV station.