Italian Mongolian Textile Technology Center to be established

2019-02-28 15:33:07

The Mongolian Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy have created a Letter of Intent on Cooperation in Textile Industry. On February 26, the Letter of Intent was signed by Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Mr Ch.Ulaan from the Mongolian side and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Mongolia Mr. Andrea De Felip from the Italian side.   

During the signing ceremony, Minister Ch.Ulaan expressed his gratitude to Mr Andrea De Felip for making efforts to strengthening bilateral cooperation in the areas of food, agriculture and light industry. Mr Ulaan noted that the Letter of Intent provides legal background for establishing Italian-Mongolian Textile Technology Center in Mongolia.

By establishing the center, Italian side will provide high technology textile equipment, train personnel, introduce know-how of textile industry and new technologies as well as improve management. It aims to accelerate Mongolian textile industry development, make the textile industry recognized at the international market and develop the Textile Technology Center as the best one in Mongolia.

Mongolian Wool and Cashmere Association is working as the implementer of the project from Mongolian side while the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers /ACIMIT/ and Italian Trade Agency /Agencia ICE/ are jointly participating from Italian side.

Mongolia is  rich with resources and raw materials for agriculture and light industry sector. Therefore, by naturalizing the best practices and technologies of Italy, Mongolia has full possibility to completely processing its raw materials and exporting them to the third market, stated Ambassador Andrea De Felip. From the time when the Embassy of Italy was opened in Mongolia two years ago Ambassador Andrea De Felip started talks on cooperation in textile industry. 

Mongolia prepares a total of over 10 thousand tons of cashmere raw materials annually, including 9600 tons of cashmere, 1400 tons of camel wool and 120 tons of yak fiber. However, the country faces difficulties to process, manufacture and export end products due to lack of processing industry development. Therefore, the Government of Mongolia adopted ‘Cashmere’ program in 2018 and set goals to manufacture final products with up to 60 percent of total raw materials a year.
