Choijin Lama Temple Museum on World Monuments Watch list
World Monuments Fund has announced that Choijin Lama Temple Museum is included in the 2020
World Monuments Watch, becoming one of the 25 iconic and monumental sites of the world. More than 250 heritage sites were nominated
for this list and 25 of them were selected among them through a series of
reviews and an independent panel of heritage experts.
sponsor of the biennial
program World
Monuments Watch, American Express and Stavros Niarchos Foundation and Ford
Foundation will provide a total of USD
1.6 million of grants for funding for conservation initiatives of the heritages
sites in the Watch 2020 list.
In the two-year program, the
Arts Council of Mongolia will cooperate with the World
Monuments Fund,
implementing a project aimed at restoration and conservation of the Choijin
Lama Temple Museum that meets the relevant standards and requirements of the
heritage site in Mongolia with involvement by the international experts on
heritage restoration.
Choijin Lama-titled G.Lubsankhaidav,
brother of the Bogd
Khan Jebtsundamba Khutughu, the last emperor
of Mongolia, established the temple between
1904-1908 and named after himself. Widely known as a ‘temple of hidden spell’
among worshippers, the Choijin Lama Temple Museum is an extraordinary heritage
of Buddhism and culture of Mongolia.