Ulaanbaatar disinfecting public spaces against coronavirus

2020-03-17 18:40:44

Ulaanbaatar city Mayor S.Amarsaikhan earlier issued an order to disinfect public places with the arrival of warmer weather as a preventive measure against the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Following the order, 38 companies, including the office of the capital city governor and maintenance and facility services company of Ulaanbaatar, today started disinfecting and decontaminating common spaces throughout the city. 

Starting with the central square of Sukhbaatar, a total of 180.8 km paved road and 9.2 million square meter public space, streets, outdoor surfaces and bus stops will go under disinfection and sterilization process this week. 

The 38 companies with special permits will use disinfectants, motorized equipment, fog machines, vehicles, water spray machines and others.  

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