Emergency Agency holds strategic assembly

2017-01-24 16:27:58

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On January 23-25, National Emergency Management Agency is holding a strategic assembly among its managerial staff to evaluate the effects and implementation rate of the organization’s activities of last year and determine the action plan for this year.

The strategic assembly gathers about 70 managerial personnel from its headquarter and provincial units. The opening ceremony of the assembly was addressed by Deputy Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh who emphasized on the increasing capabilities of the agency on disaster risk prevention and disaster management.

The Deputy Prime Minister also mentioned that a bill on Law of Mongolia on Disaster Protection is under discussion, and that disaster protection system of Mongolia will be improved by adopting the revised bill.

With adoption of package of defense laws in 2016, National Emergency Management Agency is now a part of Mongolian army. The agency is obligated to follow the general regulations and manuals of army personnel with the legal status, economic and social protections of the agency’s staff becoming clearer in compliance with the newly adopted laws.

Following a Cabinet resolution, the organizational structure of the Emergency Management Agency has been updated to a zoned division which will help efficiently utilize the regional operations of the agency.

In 2016, 4373 emergency cases and accidents occurred on national level, and the staff of National Emergency Management Agency saved the lives of 1315 people and property worth MNT 23.6 billion. Mongolian emergency workers were summoned to 626 search-rescue missions and 102 traffic accidents, and in total 702 emergency calls. In 2016, 1608 people received first aid from emergency workers.