Wolf illegal hunt revealed

2016-01-13 15:25:42

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ A man has been caught who was hiding six illegally hunted wolves-- three male and three female, in his yard in Bayangol district of Ulaanbaatar.

He is to pay 6.9 million MNT fine, says an environmental control inspector D.Sonin-Erdene.

In accordance with related regulations, the assessment on such cases is conducted by a non-vacant council which decides whether the materials should be commercialized or disposed of. Last year, a total of 34 violations of unlicensed hunt was identified and the guilty ones were sentenced to administrative penalties–fines, more than 500 violations were also detected such as smuggling marmot meat, hunting moose, fishing taimen and falcons hunt.

He added these cases are being Investigated.  

