Child allowance to resume for target groups

2017-01-19 10:43:30

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ During its regular meeting on January 18, the Cabinet assigned N.Nomtoibayar, Minister of Labor and Social Protection to handle the issuance of child allowance to children aged 0-18 from households which were determined to be eligible for the allowance following a recent livelihood study.

Relevant procedure allows beneficiary side – the child, parents or guardian to choose a bank through which the allowance will be provided. In order to benefit from the allowance, corresponding documents must be submitted to the chosen bank.  

The procedure states that the amount of the allowance will be calculated with basis on the date of document submission to the banks. The allowance will be issued after 20th of every month.

In compliance with the 2016 budget adjustment, child allowance will be resumed for some 660 thousand children, included in social target group range 1-17, who constitute about 60 percent of the total children who must benefit from the allowance. The money amounting to the rest 40 percent will be saved in a non-cash form to be issued starting from 2019.
