Amounts of exports and imports of strategic food defined

2017-02-02 18:47:17

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Today, the National council on Food Security held its first meeting, defining the exports and imports' amount of strategic food in 2017. A total of 38 thousand tons of beef and 20 thousand tons of horse meat will be exported.

The council considered it proper not to set limitation on exports of mutton and goat meat. Moreover, 15 tons of wheat flour and 10 tons of wheat will be exported.

500 tons of beef, 4240 tons of dried milk and 10 thousand tons of wheat seed will be imported, but milk imports will not be allowed in liquid form.

Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light industry, Professional Inspection Agency and General Customs Office were instructed to immediately arrange all necessary measures to export factory-prepared meat and support the exporting companies.
