Investment environment of Mongolia discussed
PoliticsUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On February 24, a discussion under the theme “Legal environment of bipartite international investment agreement of Mongolia and its challenges and ways to solve” was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Development Agency and National University of Mongolia.
The forum was attended by specialists in charge of investment issues from public organizations as well as representatives from research organizations and business entities. Such matters as tendency of international investments, current situation of the Mongolian investment environment and legal environment of the bipartite international investment agreement were touched upon.
At the discussion, D.Davaasuren, State Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduced about creating a sustainable environment of justice and cooperation for foreign investors and measures being carried-out by the Foreign Ministry with a view to ensure implementation of international agreements in accordance with an action plan of the government of Mongolia.
Moreover, the participants exchanged views on some issues, such as challenges faced by foreign to investors, opportunities to solve their difficulties and subjects to pay attention in establishing investment agreement with other countries.