Mongolian peacekeepers awarded UN medal in South Sudan

2017-05-15 11:03:51
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ More than 850 Mongolian peacekeepers have been awarded the United Nations Medal for their commitment and service to the UN and the people of South Sudan during a ceremony in Bentiu.

In awarding the medals, the Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), David Shearer, praised the Mongolian troops for their “robust, calm and appropriate” approach to peacekeeping. He said the courage and determination they had shown set a high standard for all peacekeeping forces to emulate.

“The Mongolian peacekeepers have led the way in terms of robustness which is an approach that we would like to see more of in our peacekeeping efforts in South Sudan,” said David Shearer.

The Commanding Officer of MONBATT VI Colonel Bat-erdene Batkhuu said the peacekeepers had taken strong action to maintain a safe and secure environment for the people of South Sudan.

That action included rescuing approximately 50 internally displaced people from attempted abduction, preventing the harassment of women and children at a nearby farm, and robustly defending the Protection of Civilian site when a large crowd of youths tried to breach the perimeter.

Colonel Bat-erdene Batkhuu said the peacekeepers were “ecstatic” to receive the award and to continue the legacy of Mongolians serving as peacekeepers around the world.

David Shearer paid particular tribute to the 41 female members of the Mongolian peacekeeping team who make an important contribution to improving communication and engagement with the local community in Bentiu.

“Women peacekeepers are critical because they reduce the chances of sexual exploitation and abuse. They empower women in local communities, provide a greater sense of security for women and act as role models,” he said.

Since 2003, approximately 14,000 Mongolian peacekeepers have served at UN Missions around the world. It currently has peacekeepers deployed in six different international locations.

MONBATT VI has served at the main Bentiu site, a temporary operating base in Bentiu town, and at Pariang in Unity since September 2016.

Their work includes securing UN base perimeters, carrying out patrols, escorting convoys, supporting UNPOL search operations as well as providing protection to engineers doing road maintenance, the World Food Programme during air drops, and UNMAS demining operations in Unity.