Academic Conference on Mongolian Museums Held

2024-05-21 17:30:47

Ulaanbaatar, May 21, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Academic Conference titled “Mongolian Museum 100 Years” commemorating the centennial of the establishment of modern museums in Mongolia was held on May 20, 2024.


The first Mongolian museum was established under the Institute of Scripture and Writing at the beginning of the 20th century. The researchers who worked at the Institute made necessary preparations from 1921 to 1923 and the first museum was established in Mongolia as the plan was included in the strategy plan of the Institute approved on March 23, 1924.


The Academic Conference was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Chinggis Khaan National Museum, and the Institute of Culture and Art Studies. During the conference, presentations were heard and discussed in two parts: “History Study of the Mongolian Museums” and “Museum Collection-Current State”.

Director of Chinggis Khaan National Museum, Academic S. Chuluun gave the key speech titled "Mongolian Museum in 100 Years - Heritage and Enlightenment". In his speech, S. Chuluun said that Mongolian museums have been preserving the historical memory of the nation, surviving hard times, such as the Mongolian Revolution, Repression, the Great Patriotic War, the Battles of Khalkhin Gol, and changes during the socialist era. 


Mr. Chuluun further noted, “Mongolians preserved their intellectual memory and heritage through museums, and the museums have been fulfilling the role of enlightening the people. So, the centennial of the establishment of Mongolian museums is a celebration of the preservation of our history. The establishment of the Chinggis Khaan National Museum, under the initiative of the President of Mongolia, marked a momentous progress in the history of Mongolian museums, as it reached the international standards for museums.”

