Production of Elite Potato Seeds Underway

2025-01-20 16:52:21

Ulaanbaatar, January 20, 2025 /MONTSAME/. The Laboratory for Propagating Virus-Free Potato Microtubers under the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry of Mongolia has been put into operation.

The first batch of microplants, grown from super-elite seeds, has been transplanted into an aeroponic environment to develop into tubers. With funding from the State Budget, the model farm is being established exclusively to produce domestic super-elite seed potatoes, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality seeds for seed-breeding enterprises.

The Research and Development Center aims at producing 10,000 virus-free potato microtubers and 2,000 mother plants this year. This will provide 20 percent of the super-elite seed tubers required in Mongolia.

Within the framework of the “Food Revolution” National Movement, it was stipulated to utilize and protect plant genetic resources, build up seed reserves of locally adapted varieties, and establish a seed production system for grains, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries, and other beneficial crops.
