Parliament backs new cabinet composition

2016-07-21 15:49:39

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On July 21, the State Great Khural (Parliament) ran first and final readings of the draft amendments to the laws on Composition of Cabinet and the Government of Mongolia, and the draft parliamentary resolution on Re-designating the state administrative bodies and general organizational structure chart. Majority of parliament members approved the drafts and backed a cabinet with 16 members.

Conclusions of the Standing committee on State structure were presented to the plenary meeting by N.Enkhbold MP. Since there were no questions regarding this, the polling began and most of the MPs voted in favor.

With the decision, the new government has 13 ministries, of which 6 are of general directions and 7 are sectoral ministries. With the 13 ministries, Prime Minister, Deputy PM and Minister of Mongolia, the cabinet has 16 members in total. 

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