Stock Exchange Weekly Review (July 24 - 28)
Daily Finance
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ During the period between July 24 and 28, 2017, MSE conducted 5 trading sessions with a total value of MNT 12,548,466,589. The daily average value was MNT 2.5 billion.
703,715 shares of 53 listed companies with a total value of MNT 375,920,849 were traded.
Most active stocks:
№ | Symbol | Security name | Volume /units/ | Value /MNT/ |
1 | APU | APU | 536,763 | 811,415,911 |
2 | TTL | Tavan Tolgoi | 16,954 | 89,059,150 |
3 | GOV | Gobi | 805 | 11,357,220 |
4 | TCK | Talkh Chikher | 446 | 9,811,940 |
5 | BNG | Bayangol Hotel | 202 | 7,476,000 |
№ | Symbol | Company name | Volume /units/ | Value /MNT/ |
1 | GLMT | Golomt Capital LLC | 428,361 | 174,170,825 |
2 | MNET | Ard Securities LLC | 228,309 | 82,768,851 |
3 | BDSC | BDSec JSC | 154,645 | 82,106,907 |
4 | STIN | Standard Investment LLC | 81,416 | 71,606,704 |
5 | BUMB | Bumbat-Altai LLC | 36,511 | 43,020,908 |
86,079 units of Government retail bonds with a total value of MNT 8,039,351,586 were traded on the primary market in two trade.
Most active brokerage companies for Government securities primary market trading:
№ | Symbol | Company name | Volume /units/ | Value /MNT/ |
1 | BDSC | “BDSec UTsK” JSC | 45,414 | 4,239,485,271 |
2 | BZIN | “Mire Asset Securities Mongolia UTsK” LLC | 40,665 | 3,799,866,315 |
3 | NOVL | “Novel Investment UTsK” LLC | 6,203 | 555,857,033 |
4 | GLMT | “Golomt Capital UTsK” LLC | 5,388 | 482,824,068 |
5 | ARD | “Ard Capital Group UTsK” LLC | 3,683 | 330,037,313 |
Total | 86,079 | 8,039,351,586 |
27,368 units of Government retail bonds with a total of the value of MNT 2,595,575,740 were traded by 8 trades on the secondary market.
Most active brokerage companies for Government securities secondary market trading:
№ | Symbol | Company name | Volume /units/ | Value /MNT/ |
1 | NOVL | “Novel Investment UTsK” LLC | 54,072 | 5,123,322,000 |
2 | BZIN | “Mire Asset Securities Mongolia UTsK” LLC | 570 | 59,118,500 |
3 | BDSC | “BDSec UTsK” JSC | 94 | 8,710,980 |
As of June 28th, 2017, the market capitalization was worth MNT 1,592,399,899,882 and the MSE All index decreased by 1% reaching 885.90 units.