TOP-100 enterprises of 2021 announced

2022-05-24 11:18:22

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. On May 23, the Government of Mongolia and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) co-organized the annual ceremony of ranking the TOP-100 enterprises in Mongolia.

The rankings are announced after consideration of five major criteria--annual income, tax paid to the governmental budget, the number of insurance payers, the size of earnings, and capital--based on official statistical data collected from the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Taxation, the Customs Agency, the Social Insurance General Office, the National Statistical Office, the General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration and the Financial Regulatory Commission.    


Erdenet Mining Corporation LLC, which led the top 100 enterprises, has been included in the list for 20 years. Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC, Khaan Bank, Golomt Bank, Ulaanbaatar Railways JSC, Trade and Development Bank, State Bank, NIC LLC, and Energy Resources are ranked among the TOP-10.

In his remarks delivered at the ceremony, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene said, “We are going through a difficult period of pandemic and international crisis. The economy has shrunk to -5.3 percent, consumer turnover has slowed tenfold, and inflation is 15 percent. On behalf of all the citizens of Mongolia, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the TOP-100 companies that supported the government in these difficult times, maintained their jobs, paid their taxes on time, and honorably fulfilled their duties as the best companies”.

“Hard days create new opportunities. Challenges also provide lessons and unity, and form the social psyche of fundamental reform. Therefore, let’s keep moving forward together and strive for prosperity”, he added.

In 2021, the total amount of taxes paid by the TOP-100 enterprises increased by 26 percent from the previous year to MNT 5.3 trillion, accounting for 47 percent of Mongolia's total tax revenue. The number of people employed by the enterprises increased by 8.3 thousand to 99 thousand, which is equivalent to 82 percent of GDP.