Kharkhorum International Film Festival Awardees Selected

Art & Culture
2023-12-13 12:19:01

Ulaanbaatar, December 13, 2023 /MONTSAME./ The Kharkhorum International Film Festival (KIFF), organized by the Film Bridge Development Association NGO in collaboration with the Mongolian National Film Council (MNFC), took place on December 7 - 12, 2023.


Five-day film Festival in Ulaanbaatar was organized under the theme "Human Rights 75" in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights encouraging respect for human rights, including the principle of equality and non-discrimination for all people.


Amarsaikhan Baljinnyam's directorial debut the feature film "Harvest Moon" won the "Best Feature Film" award at the KIFF. The film was selected and nominated for 23 international film festivals earlier.  This is the first award B. Amarsaikhan received at a film festival organized in Mongolia.


French film "Animal World" received the "Award of the Respective Topic of the Year" and the "Best Documentary" award went to the "Passage" by American film directors Jordan Bryan and Monica Bedwasoir.