Erdenet Mining Corporation Plants 3.5 Million Trees and Rehabilitates over 1,700 Hectares of Land

2024-10-23 18:47:29

Ulaanbaatar, October 23, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The "Erdenet Mining Corporation" SOE has planted 3.5 million trees and carried out technical land rehabilitation on over 1,700 hectares of land. 


Erdenet Mining Corporation undertook the responsibility of rehabilitating 2,000 hectares of land, of which 1,229.8 hectares have been completed between 2022-2023. This year, land reclamation is underway on the remaining 777.6 hectares, with monitoring in progress. As of today, 548 hectares of land have been restored, achieving 70.5 percent completion. 


In support of the "One Billion Trees" National Movement initiated by President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, Erdenet Mining Corporation has pledged to plant and cultivate 100 million trees by 2031. As part of this Movement, over 3.5 million trees have been planted, and the "Erdenet Mining Corporation" SOE established the "Erdenet" Forest Genetic Resources Center (FGRC) and the Soil Innovation and Technology Center. Additionally, the Corporation is working to establish a fully automated arboretum. 

Under the “One Billion Trees” National Movement, Erdenet Mining Corporation planned to plant and cultivate: 

-33 million trees to restore degraded forests in the Khangai region,

-30 million trees to mitigate desertification and land degradation in the Gobi region,

-27 million trees to enhance green spaces in Orkhon aimag,

-10 million trees in protective forest strips.

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