Mongolia-China Expo to be organized next month

2017-08-14 13:15:43
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Second Mongolia-China Expo will be held on September 26-30 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China, the Ministry of Food and Light Industry reported Monday.

The expo is co-organized by the Mongolia’s Ministry of Food and Light Industry, the China’s Ministry of Commerce and the People’s Government of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. Thus, a working group on the forthcoming event held its meeting on Monday in Ulaanbaatar.

“The previous Expo was organized in 2015 with participation of some 500 Mongolian and Chinese entities and companies. They made sales of MNT 4 billion. Our working group aims to augment participants of Mongolian companies, especially local enterprisers to take part in the upcoming measure,” said P.Sergelen, the Minister of Agriculture and Light Industry.

It is expected the Expo will attract companies of 30 countries as guests to advertize their products and services. Within the Expo, a high-level consultation, exhibitions, cultural and sports events will be organized as well. 