Presidents of Mongolia and France Hold Official Talks

2023-05-21 21:24:53

Ulaanbaatar, May 21, 2023/MONTSAME/. At the invitation of President of Mongolia Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron is paying a State Visit in Mongolia on May 21-22.


The two Presidents have held official talks at the State Palace.


During the talks, the two Heads of State discussed advancing the bilateral relations and cooperation between Mongolia and France to a Strategic Partnership. They also discussed opportunities to increase investment and undertake joint implementation of major development projects. The two Presidents also discussed issues on international relations. 


They  exchanged views on expanding the relations in green energy, transport, health, agriculture, culture, education, and the humanitarian sector. Mongolia and France agreed to cooperate in the implementation of National Campaigns, such as “Food Revolution”, “One Billion Trees” and “President’s Scholarship Programm-2100”.

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