Ordinary passport holders of 25 countries to travel visa-free to Mongolia
connection with the Government’s decision to fully open the country’s borders
to international travel and lift pandemic restrictions, a conference took place
under the theme, ‘New Revival Policy - Tourism’, on February 14. The conference
was organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
aims of effectively implementing the ‘Vision-2050’ long-term development policy
and boosting the productivity of government organizations, the Government
recently approved the ‘New Revival Policy’, its program for implementation in
phases, and large-scale development projects that are planned to be carried out
in its framework.
the conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs B.Battsetseg highlighted that the
tourism sector has a crucial role in accelerating the country’s economy, and
noted that the Ministry is focusing on smoother entry of foreign nationals
traveling to Mongolia, and providing support for tourism by carrying out
certain works.
Based on the effective practices of countries around the world,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actively working to facilitate the travel
conditions of foreign nationals, and further refining the legal environment for
tourism and investment. Currently, visa exemption arrangements have been made for
ordinary passport holders of 25 nationalities and diplomatic and official
passport holders of 63 nationals.
Through the evisa.mn system, foreign nationals of
36 countries are also being issued three types of short-term visas in 20-72
Following the agreement that was reached on the issue of
developing tourism in the Mongolia-China border region, the K3 visa has been
introduced which is a three-day visa.
the framework of Mongolia’s foreign policy, ‘Vision-2050’ long-term development
policy, and the Government’s action plan for 2020-2024, a comprehensive program
is currently being implemented on expanding cultural relations with other
countries by accelerating promotional works abroad.
the 46 Diplomatic Representatives’ Offices around the world, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs also consistently promotes the laws of Mongolia as well as the
policies, decisions, and works being carried out by the Government. Within the
aims of increasing the country’s competitiveness for tourism internationally,
and developing sustainable tourism, support is being provided for developing
cooperation in economy and tourism with other countries alongside promoting the
Government’s policy on tourism development.
preparations have been recently completed for projects and programs aimed at
boosting the country’s tourism sector with the involvement of Mongolian
citizens abroad, and utilizing new opportunities in increasing the flow of
foreign and domestic tourists in the country.
for the issue concerning vaccinations, the mutual acknowledgement of ‘Health
Certificate for International Travel’ or vaccine certificates have been reached
with the countries of Kazakhstan, Hungary, Turkey, Japan, India, and the U.K,
while talks are underway with countries such as Canada, UAE, South Korea,
China, Russia, and the EU.
the conference, the participants highlighted the importance of specifically
defining the pressing issues for developing tourism in Mongolia and resolving
them, increasing the sector’s competitiveness internationally, ensuring the
correlation between the policy and works of corresponding organizations in
order to improve the current conditions for tourism based on
public-private-people partnership, and organizing promotional works abroad
comprehensively by handling the matter through a ‘single window’.
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