Weather forecast until September 14

2015-09-10 11:36:56

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Rain is expected in eastern half of regions on September 10, in some parts of eastern region on September 11 and in northern part of western region on September 13. Precipitation is expected in mountainous areas.

Winds will get stronger, reaching 12-14 m/sec in Gobi and steppe regions on September 10-11, and winds of 18-20 m/sec—in western regions on September 13. Weather will become warmer in western part of regions from September 11 and in most areas of the country further. The nighttime temperature will be -1 +4, and the daytime— +13 +18 in mountainous areas of Altai, Khangai, Khovsgol and Khentii. In southern part of the Gobi, the nighttime temperature will be +9+14, and the daytime, +21+26.

In other regions, the nighttime temperature will be +5 +10, and the daytime, +18+23 Celsius.
