Hong Kong and New York exchanges requested to trade Tavan Tolgoi stocks

2018-10-26 17:34:51

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On October 25, Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry D.Sumiyabazar gave briefing on the preparation work for trade of ‘Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi’ stocks on the international markets.

“The selection process of the international advisors for the IPO issue is ongoing. We are preparing for the major upcoming mining forums to be held in Australia and London next month. Delegation of the Government, Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry and the company authorities have met with the representatives of New York and Toronto stock exchanges, investment funds and banks in the mid-October. As a result, New York, London and Hong Kong stock exchanges expressed their willing to trade the stocks of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi. It is planned to issue the IPO in April next year,” said Minister D.Sumiyabazar.


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