Mongolian Peacekeepers Awarded State Decorations for South Sudan Mission

2024-11-25 18:09:02

Ulaanbaatar, November 25, 2023 /MONTSAME/. On November 22, 2024, President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa awarded state decorations to the military personnel of the 13th Mongolian contingent that served in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

President of Mongolia and Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Armed Forces Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, in his congratulatory speech, emphasized that the 13th Mongolian contingent successfully fulfilled a highly responsible mission under challenging conditions of time and weather, including protecting civilians of the Republic of South Sudan, ensuring the safety of the UN base and its personnel, and supporting humanitarian activities. In particular, President Khurelsukh commended the peacekeepers for their successful completion of exceptionally demanding and critical missions, such as establishing a new operational base in a village where human rights were severely violated and competently escorting a UN humanitarian convoy over a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers in a flood-affected region. The President praised the peacekeepers for their substantial contribution to raising Mongolia’s reputation on the international stage and ensuring national security, noting that their service and achievement would shine brightly in the history of the Armed Forces of Mongolia.

Mongolia, a country with a peaceful, open, independent, and multi-pillar foreign policy, has actively participated in global efforts to promote peace, security, and stability in the international community and many countries and regions. This participation is a cornerstone of Mongolia's foreign policy, reflecting its commitment to international cooperation and multilateralism. Currently, over 890 Mongolian Armed Forces personnel are serving in peacekeeping missions, with women comprising 11 percent of the 13th contingent. With this, Mongolia ranks 19th among the 121 UN troop-contributing countries.  Additionally, for the first time, a Mongolian general has been appointed as the Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.

On behalf of the people, the State, and the Government of Mongolia, President Khurelsukh expressed warm congratulations to the peacekeepers who, with loyalty to their sworn oath, demonstrated courage, stamina and stoicism, resourcefulness and agility, and professional skills in fulfilling their honorable and responsible duties. The President also extended heartfelt gratitude to their spouses and families, who serve as steadfast support, shouldering and carrying the burden of taking care of their children and households, and wished them happiness and success.