Khan Bank named “Health supporter” and “Humanitarian”

2015-12-30 16:39:11

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Public Health Institute of Ministry of Health and Sports named Khan Bank as a “Health Supporter” for 2015, the bank’s website reported Wednesday.

As a result of its implementation throughout the country for the fifth year since 2011 of the National Campaign against Cancer, in cooperation with Mongolian National Broadcaster and the National Cancer Center, and its achievements in preventing many people from contracting cancer by screening over 90,000 individuals, Khan Bank received this award.

The Public Health Institute held the ceremony in order to promote the leading top organizations which substantially invested in the health sector within last three years.

On the occasion of New Year, the Daily Newspaper named the top individuals and organizations that contributed to the social and economic development of the country and took the lead in the social responsibility and construction sectors, based on a public opinion poll. According to the opinion poll, Khan Bank was selected as a “Humanitarian” for such concrete public activities as its National Campaign against Cancer and its Donation of Training Materials and Medical Equipment to Kindergarten for Children with Autism.

The Khan Bank Foundation, unitimplementing social responsibility for Khan Bank, has been making concrete contributions to society and implementing various projects and programs in six major priority areas, such as health, education, and the environment.

The Khan Bank Foundation won the afore-mentioned awards as a result of its implementation of several projects in 2015. Khan Bank will continue implementing its social responsibility and making contributions to the development of our country and people’s lives.