Trade Union of Mongolia to celebrate 100th anniversary

2017-08-16 15:21:20
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ August 17-18 marks the 100th anniversary of trade union movement in Mongolia.

In 1917, the Mongolian and Russian workers of “Yeruu” gold mine fought for their labor rights and set the foundations of trade union movement. In a whole century, Mongolian Trade Union broadened further and has over 450 thousand members and supporters with 22 sub-unions and 14 other branches.  

Between the Government and Trade Union of Mongolia, a biennial labor and social consensus agreement and the Government monitors the fulfillment, delivering the voice of workers to the Parliament.

Commemorating the 100th anniversary, the Trade Union of Mongolia is opening an exhibition at Central Cultural Palace of Mongolian Trade Union on August 17. On this day, several people will be awarded and the authorities will pay respect to the monuments of Sukhbaatar and Chinggis Khaan.
