More refugees returned home thanks to Mongolian peacekeepers

2016-03-31 14:04:46

Number of refugees returning to their homeland has increased since the Mongolian peacekeepers started working here, says Simon Chuol, a deputy mayor of Leer county of South Sudan.

The Mongolian military personnel of a motorized infantry batalion commanded by Colonel B.Baatar, on an UNMISS peacekeeping mission, has been organizing community bonding events aside from their duties. On March 24 and 25, Mongolian military personnel organized cultural events in Leer, Adok and Tonyor settlements.

The audience watched introduction about Mongolia, brass band performance, military parade, martial arts performance and the Mongolian national wrestling. Some 100 people received medical examinations and care.

“Just two or three months earlier, most people in these areas carried arms. The improved restfulness is all thanks to the Mongolian peacekeepers. Our local citizens are truly grateful for their deeds” said Brigade-General Gabriel Mavich, a regional commander in Adok.
