Companies Obliged to Distribute Dividends Before May

2024-02-27 18:04:28

 Ulaanbaatar, 27 February 2024 /MONTSAME/. At its regular meeting, the Financial Regulatory Commission set the dividend distribution date for companies, making amendments to the Commission's 28th resolution dated 29 January 2020, on Accurately Establishing the Dividend Distribution Process.


Specifically, companies that have decided to distribute dividends shall do so within 4 months after the end of the fiscal year or distribute their dividends before 30 April and all companies shall bear an obligation to submit the report to the Financial Regulatory Commission.


This regulation is considered significant in increasing investors' confidence in the market and the protection of their rights, besides allowing shareholders to receive their dividends promptly on time.


According to the policy to publicly trade the shares of state-owned companies, Mongolia Telecom Company is to issue additional shares and the Financial Regulatory Commission approved the offering of its shares to the public.