Number of births and infant mortality decline

2015-12-17 13:17:57

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In the first 11 months of this year, 73,730 mothers delivered 74,137 children (live births), showing a decreased by 1,037 mothers or 1.4%, and by 1,076 children or 1.4% against the previous year.

In November of 2015, 6,727 mothers delivered 6,775 children (live births), reflecting an increase of 238 mothers or 3.7% and by 262 children or 4.0% from previous month.

In the first 11 months of this year, the infant mortality reached 1,104, decreasing by 13 children or 1.2%, the mortality under-five reached 1,322, declining by 34 children or 2.5% against the previous year.

The infant mortality reached 95 in November of 2015, increasing by seven children or 8.0%, and the mortality under-five reached 115, increasing by six children or 5.5% against the previous month.