Mongolia ranks at 13th by happiness index

2016-01-04 17:55:58

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ As a result of WIN/Gallup International’s “End of Year (2015)” survey, Mongolia ranked at 13th by happiness index, 36th by faith in happiness and 55th place by faith in the country’s economic growth in the coming year, among the total 68 countries that participated.

The research institute is represented in Mongolia by MMCG Company.

When asked “In general, do you personally feel very happy, happy, neither happy nor unhappy, unhappy or very unhappy about your life?”, 74% of participants answered “happy”, 3% – “unhappy”, and 23% – “neither happy nor unhappy”.

Mongolian citizens’ faith in country’s economy resulted in -32%, while the global average was +23%. 

To the question: “As far as you are concerned, do you think that 2016 will be better, worse or the same than 2015?”, 37% percent of participants answered “better”, 25% -- “worse”, 37% -- “the same” and 1% -- “don’t know”. 

Please find complete results at:
