Khan Bank sponsors performance at Shonkhoodoi traditional circus

2016-04-20 17:24:44

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Khan Bank Foundation sponsored a free performance by Angels Acrobat & Contortion Center, a partner in Khan Bank's social responsibility program, and Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus from Darkhan-Uul Province for 150 students from School No. 9, 65, 67 and 104 in Songinokhairkhan District and handed out gifts to young audience.

Angels Acrobat & Contortion Center has been cooperating with Khan Bank since 2007, delivering exciting circus performances to children from ger districts. This time, Angels worked with the young performers of Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus to present a freshly unique performance.

Since 2005, Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus has been offering free instruction in the circus arts to children from low-income families to help them discover their talents.

T.Tumur, Director and Trainer of Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus, Darkhan-Uul Province:  

Our circus children have already developed artistic and creative thinking. When we first recruited them, they had no understanding of the circus. With the appreciation and applause from the audience, their diligence and love for the circus has flourished. I firmly believe that many well-known and talented artists will be born from Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus in the future. The art itself trains and strengthens young people, and teaches them patience. I hope to open the door to success for many children through the circus. Angels Acrobat & Contortion Center is supporting us to go on tour in Turkey. We will be leaving soon to promote the art of the Mongolian circus. This allows Shonkhoodoi's children to take several steps forward in their lives. I would like to convey my gratitude to Khan Bank for their support and providing a facility for rehearsals.

B.Orgilbold, Director and Producer of Angels Acrobat & Contortion Center:

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the foundation of circus culture in Mongolia. Through the Khan Bank Foundation, Angels Acrobat & Contortion Center, along with Shonkhoodoi Traditional Circus jointly organized this performance. The young audience was very impressed. We hope that the performance contributed to children’s knowledge about the circus arts. The circus recruits and trains its future performers from young people in the audience who watch its performances. I believe this performance contributed to the children’s knowledge of the arts and  gave them precious childhood memories, reports Khan Bank.


