Biannual international book fair opens today

2017-05-12 15:22:46
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Thousands of books, old and new, a huge crowd of book-lovers, cultural presentation and performances of 14 countries around the world, children’s flash mob, international cuisine and presence of renowned writers enliven the central square today, May 12 as the biannual Ulaanbaatar International Book Fair opened ceremoniously.

Co-organized by Book World and Empathy NGOs, the country’s biggest literary festival is held for the 21st time this year, not only garnering the attention of Ulaanbaatar residents and readers to books, but also serving as an effective platform for cultural literacy.

14 countries including the US, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Turkey, India, Russia, China, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Nigeria are represented at the International Festival of Language and Culture which is being organized in conjunction with the book fair, as a result of the organizers’ long-standing cooperation with Ulaanbaatar Elite International School, the students of which also stage a concert named ‘Many Colors of the World’, featuring over 30 multi-cultural performances.

Moreover, number of other organizations and institutions such as Department of Arts and Culture of the city administration, Public Library of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian National Public Radio and Television, MONTSAME National news agency and Khan Bank are supporting the event.

The Ulaanbaatar International Book Fair – 2017 includes many events such as book introductions, games, street theatre of famous books, charity collection for ‘Children’s Book Palace’, poetry and children’s book reading and folk performance by artists of ‘Ulaanbaatar Ensemble’.