Herders to improve their skills with vocational training

2017-07-18 15:29:42
Dundgobi /MONTSAME/ The Vocational Education and Training Center of Dundgobi aimag will open a traditional livestock farmer's class in the coming academic year. The curriculum has been being developed since last year and the curriculum and the methodology are ready.

A basic survey and discussion were conducted among herders to develop the curriculum, as there is no curriculum standard for what knowledge herders should obtain and how to provide them. Students at farmer’s class will study for one year. From November till January, when herders are less occupied, theoretical knowledge will be provided in classrooms, and from January till June the students will study independently, having DVD lessons and assignments and will be examined and evaluated.

“- The curriculum includes eight types of competencies required for the herding profession. The students will obtain knowledge and ability about, for example, traditional livestock herding, protecting livestock’s health, preventing from risks and improving animals’ quality through breeding” said O.Saruul, supervisor of the Gobi Region information and methodologic center under the  Vocational Education and Training Center.