Four Bidders for Metro Construction Consultancy Tender

2024-05-21 15:45:34

Ulaanbaatar, May 21, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The second stage of the international open tender for consultancy services for the Ulaanbaatar Metro project was announced on April 2, 2024, and was initially scheduled to open on May 3, 2024. However, at the request of participating businesses and organizations, the tender was postponed by 17 days.


On May 20, 2024, the tender was opened. "In the first stage of the international open tender for consultancy services for the Metro construction project, 20 companies from 11 countries submitted proposals. These proposals were incorporated into the technical specifications and task assignments, and the second stage of the tender was announced. As a result, four bidders submitted their documents and price proposals for the second stage of the selection process," said First Deputy Governor of Ulaanbaatar City, P. Sainzorig. "One of these organizations did not submit a tender guarantee. The evaluation committee will review the technical specifications and task assignments of the four and conduct the selection process. The selected company will provide consultancy services for the large-capacity public transport or the Metro in Ulaanbaatar project, being responsible for monitoring the contractor's performance quality and standard compliance throughout all project phases, and training the necessary personnel. They will also provide support in the selection of the contractor, and update the preliminary feasibility study (PFS). Following it, a tender will be announced to select the entity responsible for constructing the Metro," the Deputy Governor stated.


If the selection process is successful, the construction of the Metro is expected to begin this fall. Preparations will include some land clearance, geological and hydrogeological studies, clarification of land clearance conditions, and the procurement of technical equipment related to Metro construction.


Furthermore, there is public concern that the bidder with the lowest price bid will be selected. However, officials emphasized that, in addition to the price proposal, meeting the requirements specified in the technical specifications will also be evaluated during the selection process. The first line of the Metro will be 17.7 km long, from Tolgoit to Amgalan, with 6.6 km of it being underground.
